Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Completed Program in MATLAB for error surface minimization

To fit maximum productivity to data.... that may have not met it's maximum productivity yet.
I wrote this code. Of course, in the current state it works for MY DATA. But you can make it work for yours, too!

% site_index.m

% this program will calculate maximum productivity for ws1 plots

% we base this on the idea that biomass follows a logistic function. the
% logistic function is defined as B(t) = K/(1+Ce^(-r*t)). We would like to
% fit a logistic function to our biomass curves and then solve for where
% the derivative of biomass (productivity) is maximized (or where the
% second derivative of biomass is 0). To do this we must fit a logistic
% function to the biomass data.

% Import biomass data. this data should be in a file with no headers and no
% plot ids, just literally columns of biomass in your interval years like
% so
% 0.007 | 0.01 | 0.100 |  etc.

file = importdata('biomat.csv',',');
data = file;

% Create a vector T representing the number of
% years after the first measurement

T =[0;4;8;12;16;22;28];

%dataT is transposed data. Now you should have an array that is number of plots
%columns and number of remeasurements rows.

dataT = data';

% now we will determine an appropriate range for "r" which is the rate of
% growth that goes into the logistic equation. To do this, following the
% methods I have outlined, we need to know the productivity rate at the
% point of inflection or at the end of the exponential growth period,
% whichever is applicable

%prod_rate is a vector that will hold the ANPP values between each interval

prod_rate = zeros(6, length(dataT));

%years is a vector that holds the interval length between periods.
%This can be calculated or just done in your brain, which is easier for
%this example.

years = [4 ; 4 ; 4 ; 4 ; 6 ; 6];

%calculate the difference in biomass for each interval, divide by the
%length of duration of the interval, store the results in the vector

% sample below shows how to calculate ANPP for just one plot. recall that
% because we are fitting to the logistic we assume mortality is inclusive.

prod_rate(1,1) = (dataT(2,1)- dataT(1,1))/years(1);
prod_rate(2,1) = (dataT(3,1)- dataT(2,1))/years(2);
prod_rate(3,1) = (dataT(4,1)- dataT(3,1))/years(3);
prod_rate(4,1) = (dataT(5,1)- dataT(4,1))/years(4);
prod_rate(5,1) = (dataT(6,1)- dataT(5,1))/years(5);
prod_rate(6,1) = (dataT(7,1)- dataT(6,1))/years(6);

% loop through all plots, the number of plots is(length(dataT))
% and for each interval (i) and store the results in prod_rate
for j = 2:length(dataT)
    for i=1:6
        prod_rate(i,j) = (dataT(i+1,j)-dataT(i,j))/years(i);

%create a vector telling us what the maximum productivity is:
inflection_value = zeros(length(prod_rate),1);

inflection_value(1,1) = max(prod_rate(:,1));
for j = 2:length(dataT)
    inflection_value(j,1) = max(prod_rate(:,j));

%indexOfMaxValue is an index that tells us the interval time when the
%maximum productivity occurs.

% we loop through the productivity rates to find when the rate is equal to
% the maximum rate

indexOfMaxValue = zeros(length(prod_rate),1);

indexOfMaxValue(1,1) = find(prod_rate(:,1) == max(prod_rate(:,1)));
for j = 2:length(prod_rate)
    indexOfMaxValue(j,1) = find(prod_rate(:,j)== max(prod_rate(:,j)));

% slopeAtInflection is a vector that we will use to hold point-slope values
% for "r" at the inflection point found in indexOfMaxValue

slopeAtInflection = zeros(length(prod_rate),1);

% oneAhead holds the biomass value one position ahead of the max.
% If the max occurs at the end of the interval, then the final value is
% the max value, and we will compute only the left sided slope

oneAhead = zeros(length(dataT),1);

oneAhead(1) = dataT((find(prod_rate(:,1) == max(prod_rate(:,1)))+1),1);
for j = 2:length(dataT)
    if indexOfMaxValue(j)~=6
        oneAhead(j) = dataT((find(prod_rate(:,j) == max(prod_rate(:,j)))+1),j);
        oneAhead(j) = dataT((find(prod_rate(:,j) == max(prod_rate(:,j)))),j);

% oneBehind finds the value one position behind the max. If the max occurs
% at the end of the interval the same procedure applies.

oneBehind = zeros(length(dataT),1);
oneBehind(1) = prod_rate((find(prod_rate(:,1) == max(prod_rate(:,1)))-1),1);
for j = 2:length(dataT)
    %if indexOfMaxValue(j)~=6
    oneBehind(j) = dataT((find(prod_rate(:,j) == max(prod_rate(:,j)))-1),j);
    % else
    %  oneBehind(j) = prod_rate((find(prod_rate(:,j) == max(prod_rate(:,j)))),j);
    % end

% find the slope at the inflection point. This will help us define an
% appropriate range for "r".

% Initially I attempted to do this using the indexes, which was not correct
% not use! Keeping in here as a lesson.
%slopeAtInflection(1,1) = (oneAhead(1)-oneBehind(1))/((indexOfMaxValue(1) + 1) -(indexOfMaxValue(1) -1));

% slopeAtInflection is the point slope calculated by the change in Y (bio)
% over the change in X (years). When the inflection is at the end of the
% interval, it's indexOfMaxValue is 6. In these cases, the point slope is
% calculated between position 6 and position 5, rather than over two
% intervals (5 to 3, for example).

slopeAtInflection(1,1) = (oneAhead(1)-oneBehind(1))/(T((indexOfMaxValue(1) + 1)) - T((indexOfMaxValue(1) -1)));
for j = 2:length(dataT)
    if indexOfMaxValue(j) ~=6
        slopeAtInflection(j) = (oneAhead(j)-oneBehind(j))/ (T((indexOfMaxValue(j)+1))-(T(indexOfMaxValue(j)-1)));
        slopeAtInflection(j) =(oneAhead(j)-oneBehind(j))/ (T((indexOfMaxValue(j)))-(T(indexOfMaxValue(j)-1)));

% K is the absolute largest biomass on our watershed
% this servs as the asymptote for the initial guess
% because of the method of calculation we will be using, the purpose of K
% is only to determine a range for "r" and it does not affect the fitting

K = max(max(dataT));

% alternate values of K can be used to check the effects of K on the output
%K = 200;
%K = 400;
%K = 600;

% using the power of differential equations we solved the ANPP function at
% the inflection point to find that we can approximate r = 4*slopeAtInflectionPoint/K
% this is only to determine a safe range for r.

r = zeros(length(slopeAtInflection),1);
r = (4.*slopeAtInflection)/K;

% now we will conduct a safe fitting procedure for r. It is generally
% advised that we look at the "r" values generated by the previous code,
% find their maxes and mins, and select a range encompassing these. In this
% case we will say that "r" is not less than 0.01 nor greater than 0.90, and
% we will graph in 50 equal increments. Adding more increments slows the
% processing.

% we will say that the inflection point must be between 0 and 28. We could
% push it out further if we wished to change the output (see the second t0)
% which is worth testing.

% linspace is a command that defines linearly spaced vectors. In a sense
% this means it creates an algerbraic grid that can be bent. If you want to
% see the linspace, uncomment figure 1 below.

% I have added extra subroutines for calculating special linspaces for
% larger and smaller parameterizations. i is for 10 as a maximum
% inflection occurance. nothing is for 50. ii is for 75 as a maximum
% inflection occurance. and iii is for 100 as a maximum 


% the fitting part. I still haven't figured out how to loop through the
% For the first plot, this is how you will fit the parameters

% if I ever get the loops right these matrices will hold all the outputs.

%for k=1:length(dataT)

% [m,n] are the dimensions of the the errorspace, which is the same size as 
% the linear space (linR) we just defined. e is what we will call the error
% space

% you will need to define a function "myerror" or whatever you want to call
% it outside of this program. The following code should be used:
% (make sure to comment it back it with one comment, highlight and press
% control + e.
%-----------------------MY ERROR-------------------------------------
% %function [ e] = myerror( x,t,m )
% %%UNTITLED3 Summary of this function goes here
% %   Detailed explanation goes here
% %r=x(1);
% t0=x(2);
% h=1./(1+exp(-r*(t-t0)));
% e=m'*m-(h'*m)^2/(h'*h);

% end

[m,n] = size(linR);
e = zeros(size(linR));
for i=1:m
    for j=1:n
        e(i,j) = myerror([linR(i,j); t0(i,j)], T, dataT(:,3));

% % images of the first plot-- this one shows you the 3d errorspace. it
% eats memory. be careful!

% figure(1)
% mesh(linR, t0, e);
% xlabel('r')
% ylabel('inflection point')
% zlabel('e')
% title('plotting error versus parameters for the first plot');

% this one shows a contour plot where the error is minimized. it is less
% hungry. it is good to check these to be sure you don't have multiple
% minima.

contour(linR, t0, e,50)
title('contour map of error surface for plot 103');

% min finds the minimum error of that plot using the matlab function fminsearch
% the first output is the value of "r" and the second output is the inflection
% point (t0) when it occurs.
min = fminsearch(@myerror, [0.15, 50],[],T,dataT(:,3));

% pull out the values for the "r" and "inflection point" from your
% minimized error function
rD1 = min(1);
%rD1mat(k) = rD1;
rD2 = min(2);
%rD2mat(k) = rD2;

% H is from the linear proof which makes K a function of r and t0.
% Now solve for maximum biomass,which is Krep.

H = 1./(1+exp(-rD1*(T-rD2)));
%Krepmat(k) = Krep;

% figure 3 is your best fit plot. This is the one you want to use for
% output

% figure(3)
% t = linspace(0,100);
% y = Krep./(1+exp(-rD1*(t-rD2)));
% plot(T, dataT(:,2), 'o',t, y);
% xlabel('years after 1980')
% ylabel('biomass in Mg/Ha')
% title ('MLE of logistic fit based on minimized error surface')
% %end

% % for the fourth plot this is what you do
% [m4,n4] = size(linR);
% e = zeros(size(linR));
% for i=1:m4
%     for j=1:n4
%         e(i,j) = myerror([linR(i,j); t0(i,j)], T, dataT(:,4));
%     end
% end
% % find the minimum error of that plot, the first output is the value of "r"
% % and the second output is the inflection point when it occurs.
% min4 = fminsearch(@myerror, [0.1, 4],[],T,dataT(:,4));
% % pull out the values for the "r" and "inflection point" from your
% % minimized error function
% rD1 = min4(1);
% rD2 = min4(2);
% % now solve for maximum biomass,which is Krep.
% H = 1./(1+exp(-rD1*(T-rD2)));
% Krep4=(H'*dataT(:,1))/(H'*H);

Friday, August 12, 2011

not finished code

% site_index.m

% this program will calculate maximum productivity for ws1 plots

% we base this on the idea that biomass follows a logistic function. the
% logistic function is defined as B(t) = K/(1+Ce^(-r*t)). We would like to
% fit a logistic function to our biomass curves and then solve for where
% the derivative of biomass (productivity) is maximized (or where the
% second derivative of biomass is 0). To do this we must fit a logistic
% function to the biomass data.

% import biomass data

file = importdata('biomat.csv',',');
data = file;

% years after the first measurement
T =[0;4;8;12;16;22;28];

%transpose data

dataT = data';
prod_rate = zeros(6, length(dataT));

%create a vector "years" that holds the interval length between periods
years = [4 ; 4 ; 4 ; 4 ; 6 ; 6];

%calculate the difference in biomass-- later just import the ANPP matrix
%but we're doing this for now... no MORTALITY included at the moment!

% sample below shows how to do it for just one plot
prod_rate(1,1) = (dataT(2,1)- dataT(1,1))/years(1);
prod_rate(2,1) = (dataT(3,1)- dataT(2,1))/years(2);
prod_rate(3,1) = (dataT(4,1)- dataT(3,1))/years(3);
prod_rate(4,1) = (dataT(5,1)- dataT(4,1))/years(4);
prod_rate(5,1) = (dataT(6,1)- dataT(5,1))/years(5);
prod_rate(6,1) = (dataT(7,1)- dataT(6,1))/years(6);

% loop through all plots (lengthdataT) and for each interval (i) and store
% the results in the array "prod_rate"
for j = 2:length(dataT)
    for i=1:6
        prod_rate(i,j) = (dataT(i+1,j)-dataT(i,j))/years(i);

%create a vector telling us what the maximum productivity is:
inflection_value = zeros(length(prod_rate),1);

inflection_value(1,1) = max(prod_rate(:,1));
for j = 2:length(dataT)
    inflection_value(j,1) = max(prod_rate(:,j));

%find that maximum productivity and WHEN IT OCCURS by interval time
% these are our initial guesses for the inflection point
indexOfMaxValue = zeros(length(prod_rate),1);

indexOfMaxValue(1,1) = find(prod_rate(:,1) == max(prod_rate(:,1)));
for j = 2:length(prod_rate)
    indexOfMaxValue(j,1) = find(prod_rate(:,j)== max(prod_rate(:,j)));

% to find the slope at the inflection point, which will generate the best
% guess value for "r" we need to find

slopeAtInflection = zeros(length(prod_rate),1);

% find the value one position ahead of the max. If the max occurs at the
% end of the interval, then save that value as the "one ahead" value
oneAhead = zeros(length(dataT),1);

oneAhead(1) = dataT((find(prod_rate(:,1) == max(prod_rate(:,1)))+1),1);
for j = 2:length(dataT)
    if indexOfMaxValue(j)~=6
    oneAhead(j) = dataT((find(prod_rate(:,j) == max(prod_rate(:,j)))+1),j);
        oneAhead(j) = dataT((find(prod_rate(:,j) == max(prod_rate(:,j)))),j);

% find the value one position behind the max. If the max occurs at the end
% of the interval it's cool.
oneBehind = zeros(length(dataT),1);
oneBehind(1) = prod_rate((find(prod_rate(:,1) == max(prod_rate(:,1)))-1),1);
for j = 2:length(dataT)
    %if indexOfMaxValue(j)~=6
    oneBehind(j) = dataT((find(prod_rate(:,j) == max(prod_rate(:,j)))-1),j);
   % else
      %  oneBehind(j) = prod_rate((find(prod_rate(:,j) == max(prod_rate(:,j)))),j);
   % end

% find the slope at the inflection point. This will help us find R.
slopeAtInflection(1,1) = (oneAhead(1)-oneBehind(1))/((indexOfMaxValue(1) + 1) -(indexOfMaxValue(1) -1));

for j = 2:length(dataT)
    if indexOfMaxValue(j) ~=6
        slopeAtInflection(j) = (oneAhead(j)-oneBehind(j))/ ((indexOfMaxValue(j)+1)-(indexOfMaxValue(j)-1));
        slopeAtInflection(j) =(oneAhead(j)-oneBehind(j))/ ((indexOfMaxValue(j))-(indexOfMaxValue(j)-1));

% absolute largest biomass on our watershed serves as the resounding
% asymptote for the initial guess

K = max(max(dataT));

% using the power of differential equations we solve to find that r =
% 4*slopeAtInflectionPoint/K

r = zeros(length(slopeAtInflection),1);
r = (4.*slopeAtInflection)/K;

% we will say that "r" is not less than 0.01 nor greater than 0.90, and we
% will graph in 50 equal increments.
% we will say that the inflection point must be between (logically) 1 and 6


% for the first plot this is what you do
[m,n] = size(linR);
e = zeros(size(linR));
for i=1:m
    for j=1:n
        e(i,j) = myerror([linR(i,j); t0(i,j)], T, dataT(:,1));

% % images of the first plot
% figure(1)
% mesh(linR, t0, e);
% xlabel('r')
% ylabel('inflection point')
% zlabel('e')
% title('plotting error versus parameters for the first plot');
% figure(2)
% contour(linR, t0, e,50)
% xlabel('r')
% ylabel('inflection');
% title('contour map');

% find the minimum error of that plot, the first output is the value of "r"
% and the second output is the inflection point when it occurs.
min = fminsearch(@myerror, [0.1, 4],[],T,dataT(:,1));

% pull out the values for the "r" and "inflection point" from your
% minimized error function
rD1 = min(1);
rD2 = min(2);

% now solve for maximum biomass,which is Krep.

H = 1./(1+exp(-rD1*(T-rD2)));

% for the fourth plot this is what you do
[m4,n4] = size(linR);
e = zeros(size(linR));
for i=1:m4
    for j=1:n4
        e(i,j) = myerror([linR(i,j); t0(i,j)], T, dataT(:,4));

% find the minimum error of that plot, the first output is the value of "r"
% and the second output is the inflection point when it occurs.
min4 = fminsearch(@myerror, [0.1, 4],[],T,dataT(:,4));

% pull out the values for the "r" and "inflection point" from your
% minimized error function
rD1 = min4(1);
rD2 = min4(2);

% now solve for maximum biomass,which is Krep.

H = 1./(1+exp(-rD1*(T-rD2)));

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

sparklines in a table in LaTeX

\begin{table} [h]
\begin{tabular*}{\hsize}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}}| l | l l l|}
PlotID & Biomass 1980 & BA/Ha 1980 & $\%$ HW \\
Upper Quartile & & &\\
\textbf{110} & 17.5 Mg/Ha & 6.05 $\text{m}^2/\text{Ha}$ & \includegraphics[scale=0.3]{110sparkhw.png}\\
\textbf{316} & 10.86 Mg/Ha & 3.92 $\text{m}^2/\text{Ha}$ & \includegraphics[scale=0.2]{316sparkhw.png} \\
\textbf{212} & 7.31 Mg/Ha & 3.19 $\text{m}^2/\text{Ha}$ & \includegraphics[scale=0.3]{212sparkhw.png} \\
\textbf{213} & 7.23 Mg/Ha & 1.14 $\text{m}^2/\text{Ha}$ & \includegraphics[scale=0.3]{213sparkhw.png} \\
\textbf{109} & 6.31 Mg/Ha & 2.39 $\text{m}^2/\text{Ha}$ & \includegraphics[scale=0.3]{109sparkhw.png}\\
\textbf{108} & 4.85 Mg/Ha & 1.63 $\text{m}^2/\text{Ha}$ & \includegraphics[scale=0.3]{108sparkhw.png}\\
\textbf{214} & 4.10 Mg/Ha & 1.77 $\text{m}^2/\text{Ha}$ & \includegraphics[scale=0.3]{214sparkhw.png} \\
\caption{Upper Quartile plots 1980 measurements and HW trajectory}

In short, you can use insert graphic in the table.
Putting the "Upper Quartile" Line enables you to keep your graphic from eating your header. Which they like to do.

Friday, July 1, 2011

neat matlab program I wrote


% to compute and graph PCA for stand biometrics, as well as measure distances between points!
% this file has the 10 stand metrics currently measured. The first row is
% numeric. The first column is plot names.

% names of files to load-- comment in what you want
%load PCAEX80.dat;
load PCABIO1984.dat
%load PCABIO2007.dat;

format short g

% creation of the file headers and column numbers. Different columns in
% early file due to no ANPP

%For 2007
% fid = fopen('PCABIO2007.dat');
% C = textscan(fid,'%s %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32');
% fclose(fid);

%for 1984
fid = fopen('PCABIO1984.dat');
C = textscan(fid,'%s %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32');

%For files that are 80
%  fid = fopen('PCAEX80.dat');
%  C = textscan(fid,'%s %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32 %f32');
%  fclose(fid);

% these are the headings that correspond to the stand metrics, in order,



% 1980

% create a matrix that does not include the first row of PCAEX07 because it
% is text for the plot numbers (see above string in %s)

%X = PCAEX80(:,2:14);
X = PCABIO1984(:,2:15);
%X = PCABIO2007(:,2:15);

%------------------------------------------CONDUCTING PCA!!!------------

% if there are no NaN's!

[PC, scores, latent] = princomp(zscore(X));

% if NaN's are included, you must centralize and standardize each row
% individually, so comment in this code!

% % subtract out the mean
% for i = 1:length(X)
% thisRow = X(i,:);
% thisRow(isnan(thisRow)) = [];
% stdX(i) = std(thisRow);
% meanX(i) = mean(thisRow);
% centerX = X - repmat(meanX,10,1);
% centerStandardX = centerX./repmat(stdX,10,1);
% end

% % conduct principle components analysis
% [PC, scores, latent] = princomp(centerStandardX);


account = cumsum(latent)./sum(latent);

% name eigenvectors to the vectors that you are about.
vect1 = scores(:,1);
vect2 = scores(:,2);

% plot the principle components (FACTOR ANALYSIS PLOT) with the plot
% numbers-- must make sure these are STRINGS and not FLOATS/INTS
xlabel('1st Principal Component')
ylabel('2nd Principal Component')
title('Principal Components of Stand Biometerics')
text(vect1+0.1, vect2, C{1}, 'FontSize',8);

% plot a scree plot of cumulative variance explained
xlabel('Principal Component')
ylabel('Variance Explained (%)')
title('Scree plot of variance explained and CDF')

% plot a biplot for the first two axes... can be done for 3 as well, if
% needed, but is hard to interpret in my opinion. if disp(account)'s second
% entry is bigger than about 0.55, I don't do it.

biplot(PC(:,1:2), 'scores',scores(:,1:2),'varlabels',headers')

% for finding the distance between the sets of points and printing them out
% by labels! Will be used later in geostats

b = zeros(length(vect1),2);
for i = 1: length(vect1)
    b(i,1) = vect1(i);
    b(i,2) = vect2(i);

k = 0;
for i = 1:length(b)
    for j = 1:length(b)
        if j~=i
            index(k,:) = [i j];

dist = ((b(index(:,2),1)-b(index(:,1),1)).^2 + (b(index(:,2),2)-b(index(:,2),2)).^2).^0.5;

% if you want to print it to the scree-- WARNING IT WILL OVERLOAD YOUR

% fprintf(' #1 #2 distance\n');
% fprintf('%3d %3d %10.6f\n', ...
%    [index(:,1),index(:,2),dist].');
% fprintf('Total %11.6f\n',sum(dist));

m = [index(:,1),index(:,2),dist];

% output the distance matrix information to a file that saves in the Matlab
% directory. I think this format will be adaptable well to SPSS, but it
% would be better for Matlab to have in matrix form!


Sunday, June 26, 2011

This is kind of an elegant little solution

This code can be used to find the distance between x locations (stored in vect1) and y locations (stored in vect2). I modified this from something I found online. Works pretty good and I like the out put, also optimal in terms of speed.
Using this to construct similarity ranks! win!

% for finding the distance between the sets of points and printing them out
% by labels!

b = zeros(length(vect1),2);
for i = 1: length(vect1)
    b(i,1) = vect1(i);
    b(i,2) = vect2(i);

k = 0;
for i = 1:length(b)
    for j = 1:length(b)
        if j~=i
            index(k,:) = [i j];

dist = ((b(index(:,2),1)-b(index(:,1),1)).^2 + (b(index(:,2),2)-b(index(:,2),2)).^2).^0.5;
m = [index(:,1),index(:,2),dist];

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Soil depth

I expected this but it still seems funny that soils are deepest at low... and high... elevations. 

It's because on this landscape the ridges are relatively flat, and are located between precipices out of the extent of the study area that are eroding soils onto them. Still. Funny.