Sunday, May 15, 2011

A program for calculating BAHA, Number of Trees, Biomass

This program can be used to calculate basal area per hectare, number of trees, and biomass/ha from an input file. It is modified from a program I wrote (With help!) this summer

% live_doug.csv

%---THE REAL PROGRAM BEGINS HERE!!!----------------------------------------%

% Import the data from donfile.csv into the variable "bio." This is the biomass
% data calculated directly with the equations from the forest inventories
% in the field. 
% the domains for these inputs are years, index, index, index,
% concat(indexindex), concat (yearsindex),Mg, Mg, Mg, Mg, and Mg,
% respectively. Each row represents and individual tree.

FILE = 'live_doug_2007.csv';

% Import the LIDAR data which is courtesy of Keith. This data is in the
% following format:
% the domains for these inputs are index, index, concat(indexindex), and Ha, 
% respectively. The slope, aspect, and Ha of each ellipse was calculated
% using ArcGIS-- it is not part of this program. 

FILE_2 = 'ws01_attrib_lidar.csv';

%giving the files some easier names to use in the program
bio = importdata(FILE,',');
hectares = importdata(FILE_2,',');

% Find the unique values in the concatenated years & plot number
% column, and store their positions in upos
[uval,upos] = unique(bio(:,7));

% Define an Nx8 matrix to hold the sums down columns
% for every unique position
sum_bio = zeros(length(upos),6);

% Copy the years as column 1 of the sum matrix, the plot # as col 2,
% and the unique ID as column 3 of the sum matrix
sum_bio(:,1) = bio(upos,1);
sum_bio(:,2) = bio(upos,7);

% Sum down the columns of bio according to the elements of upos
% then divide by the appropriate element of the hectares matrix,
% and store the results in the sum_bio matrix

% sum_bio looks like (all sums divided by hectares):
% year-1966 | plot | ID | sum 1 | sum 2 | sum 3 | sum 4 | sum total
sum_bio(1,3:4) = sum(bio(1:upos(1),3:4))./hectares(find(hectares(:,3) == sum_bio(1,2)),4);
for j = 1:(length(upos)-1);
    sum_bio(j+1,3:4) = sum(bio((upos(j)+1):upos(j+1),3:4))./hectares(find(hectares(:,3) == sum_bio(j+1,2)),4);

% number of trees
sum_bio(1,5) = upos(1);

for i = 2:length(upos-1)
sum_bio(i,5) = upos(i)-upos(i-1);


sum_bio(1,6) = sum_bio(1,3)*0.00007854;

for i = 2:length(upos-1)
sum_bio(i,6) = sum_bio(i,3).*0.00007854;

% export all information to a separate CSV file in MatLab directory
%dlmwrite('bioassay2007.csv', sum_bio, ',');

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