Tuesday, February 15, 2011

colored glasses!

Okay, this may not look particularly impressive to you, but I think it's a really fun little tool in ArcGIS that can be used to put "colored glasses" on an area of interest. Here's how it's done.
1. import your map 
2. make sure you have enabled your spatial analyst tool, or get someone to help you enable it, or borrow someone else's ArcSuite (!)
3. Under Spatial Analyst in the toolbox, select Extraction Tools, then "Extract by Rectangle"
4. On your map, move your cursor over the top, right, left, and bottom bounds you want. You should maybe write these on paper. I.E. make a list like:
   - Top: 485961
   - Bottom: 47981
  - Left: 559987
  - Right: 560843

Then select the raster you will want to make your box from. Run the tool. It will take a bit if your computer is slow like mine.
4. Okay, now for your new rectangle, choose a color palette of R -->B, with "Invert" checked
5. Turn your original raster *pull it in if you have to and slide it to the bottom* to black and white
6. You can export it and make a legend in powerpoint if you want, like I did. I don't like the ArcLegends much because no one knows what "RasterT_Extrac1_slopeLess50" is.

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