Saturday, February 19, 2011

Model Results kinda

Well, so I made some major tweaks to the model. The boss had some good ideas that I implemented, and as it turns out, she was mostly right.

I omitted a good bit of tree competition stuff and focused more on using the slope gradient to drive the biomass. Actually it came out nicely.
I realized a big flaw with the model is that I have no way of deleting dead trees once they have turned back into soil. I may leave this flaw in the model because I think it is curious; it may be able to be used in some way to back out atmospheric deposition (since carbon is entering the system with each time step). Maybe not. I'm not sure. But it would be cool to think about it, and at least I can ask the prof or show that I noticed this myself!

Here's a nice picture from some of the results

I know you are probably thinking--- your fits suck! But actually, KS test says otherwise. Oh, statistical slam my friends! Now it isn't a GREAT fit, but it is a fit. 0.08.... barely above that I don't fit line. Imagine what would happen if I got rid of that tail. I should work on that...but not now. Too many things to do.
Tomorrow I must go to HJ. Should be fun. Tonight I must go relax, print articles, maybe walk, rent a film, etc. oh no. :)

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