Wednesday, April 20, 2011

rick-roll mom-

First, the above shows a convenient method for rick-rolling your mom

The link-response, works every time.Not for the sophisticated of humor below, but this film scene has completely ruined the line "works every time" for me-- it's not dirty just silly!


1. A title, which is CONCISE and is in all CAPS and tells your story, like"TRAILS OF CORVALLIS OR" or "COFFEE SHOPS IN SAN FRANCISCO"
2. Source from which the data was taken (GEO 580 WEBPAGE-- doesn't have to be caps)
3. Cartographer's name (YOU!)
4. Date the map was created
5. SCALE BAR!!!! NOTE YOU MUST LOAD IT IN THE RIGHT PROJECTION. Do not be afraid to import a projection if you are loading onto a dataframe with pesky polygons who will mess you up,
6. North arrow--  not everyone knows that the south-facing slope receives the greatest insolation in the northern hemisphere, so don't just let 'em guess.

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